Words are the currency of meaning.
Spend wisely.
The written word remains the most powerful medium we have. It is even more so in the information age. The constant increase in the amount and velocity of information make the quality of your words more important than ever. Failure to make every word count is the difference between clicking for more information or clicking to another website, or, put another way, success or failure.
1a: appealing forcibly to the mind or reason : CONVINCING cogent evidence
b: PERTINENT, RELEVANT a cogent analysis
2: having power to compel or constrain cogent forces
a: something contained —usually used in plural the jar’s contents the drawer’s contents
b: the topics or matter treated in a written worktable of contents
c: the principal substance (such as written matter, illustrations, or music) offered by a website… Internet users have evolved an ethos of free content in the Internet.
Radio, TV, and print has been replaced by keywords, search engine optimization and a wide variety of content including video, podcasts, radio, TV, and print
– – but they all begin with the written word.
White paper, blog post, special report, newsletter letter? Which or what combination best fits your business messaging needs?
Content Development
Unless yours is a startup business the chances are you have an archive of marketing and sales literature. These materials should be mined for gold nuggets to be updated and repurposed. It also provides a sense of familiarity with existing clients.
Once your content is developed it is time for effective distribution. Doing so with the consistency required to build your authority takes planning. A posting schedule and content calendar are essential to any content marketing strategy.
Let’s Chat
I would love to host an exchange of ideas about how I can can help you optimize your written content.
Talk may be cheap, but some lessons from conversation could be priceless. Test that theory for free at your convenience.